Whether you have a good idea of what you want or
are just looking for ideas, our online database
of promotional products that we offer is a great
place to start. You can search for promotional
products by category or key words and can narrow
your search by price range and more. (You might
want to check out the search tips shown below.)
Chances are pretty good that you'll find just
what you need through the online search
functions. But if you don't find what you're
looking for don't fret. The more than 500,000
products shown online are only a small part of
what we offer! So if you can't find it..let us know!
Finding a product or an idea is made easier by
following a few of our suggested search tips.
Beware of Trade Names!
Certain products are commonly known to the
general public by trade names that we cannot
legally display in our search. When searching
for a product that is known by a trade name, try
using words other than the trade name when you
search. An example of this are spring/coil toys
which can be found in the "Toys &
Novelties" category using the keyword
Getting too many results?
Think about the most unique aspect of the
product for which you are searching. You can
then use the refine search option to narrow down
your search using that unique word.
Not sure of your product's category?
Not sure of your product's category? Try using
the keyword search without a category. Your
search results will be sorted by category, which
you can use as a guide for future searches.
Start Simply...
Start out with a simple search using the most
important aspect of the product as your search
criteria. Being too specific might rule out
items that would work perfectly for your
promotion, but their description varies slightly
from what you are currently have in mind. If you
get too many results, you can then refine your
When Searching by Price...
The product search will search by the price that
is listed for the highest quantity for each
product. When looking for a smaller quantity of
an item, try searching for a higher price range
since the item may cost more for smaller